Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Three Weird Sisters

This is a picture of the witches I saw today.  They had beards and wore rags as their clothing. Are they women or men? Apparently they are women. Do you believe that they are women? Women are more civilized and would wear nicer clothing but these women are different.

Today Macbeth and I were visited by supernaturals. Three odd sisters who dressed in rags wanted to talk to us.  They looked like women but had beards, I was not sure if they were human or some other creature.  It turns out they were some kind of future telling beings. They told us that Macbeth was the thane of Cawdor, which was odd because the thane of Cawdor lives and Macbeth was already the thane of Glamis. They even shocked me, they told me that I was to be much happier then Macbeth but lower than him in status but the most surprising new of all was that my children would be kings even I was not one.  I was not sure what to believe. It was impossible for my children to be kings. Macbeth did not believe them either but before he could ask furthermore, the sisters disappeared.  Ross and Angus arrived shortly after they left. They had big news for Macbeth and it turned out that part of what the sisters said were true. Macbeth was to be the thane of Cawdor. The thane of Cawdor was executed for betraying us by going to the Norwegians side during the battle. First Macbeth kills the Norwegians like they were not even much competition which leads to our victory and now Macbeth is thane of Cawdor! These past few days seemed to be getting weirder and weirder by the minute. I wonder if my prophecy about my children might come true. We just have to wait and find out.

- Jamini V

My Dream

(I chose this picture to represent Banquo's dream. This is because since he is dreaming about the three witches and his prophecy, it would make more sense if he went back to the scene. )

This is a picture of the scene when the three weird sisters, told me about my prophecy. Where I am the father of kings, though I will not be one myself. This means that my son will be rein the throne after Macbeth. What joy it brings to me, however I sense that Macbeth does not feel that way about it.

Today I dreamt about the three weird sisters. The dream I dreamt last night was different from the ones I usually have. It was about the witches prophecy and how my son Fleance would rein the throne after Macbeth. However it was a restless night. I was tired and feeling heavy, but I could not sleep. The constant nightmares that I dreamt kept me awake. I decided to take a short walk, when I notice another figure there too. I soon came to realize it was Macbeth. I told him about how I dreamt about the three weird sisters the night before. I told him that what the witches had said in their prophecy was true. He had told me that he does not think about what the witches had said anymore. However, the way he instantly replied back to my comment made me feel suspicious. Almost as if he was lying to me. According to my instincts I believe that Macbeth most likely had considered what the witches had said to him. I feel this way because, the witches had stated that Macbeth was soon to be the thane of Glamis and the thane of Cawdor, and as they had predicted two of them had become true. I know he would have thought about it, because it is a miracle that what the witches had said had become true, but why would be lie to me? Macbeth had instead told me that we could sometime meet up together and talk about it more if I am willing too. I am wondering if Macbeth is up to something.  
(Lavanya Balachandran )


Macbeth and I have done plenty together; we fought at war and brought honor to our country. We were King Duncan’s noblemen, who he put faith on. I still remember the day we heard our prophecies from the wicked weird sisters, from that day it was never the same. Macbeth’s face was full of excitement rather than shock from the witches’ words. Now the prophecies have come true, and I don’t think it was a result of good, but bad. Did he do the murder?  King Duncan trusted Macbeth as much as he trusted his sons. Macbeth’s greed for power has it led him to kill King Duncan? What was said in the prophecy has become reality, so is it possible that my prophecy of becoming the father of future kings come true as well? My first thought when I heard my prophecy was that it all was a joke, but now I am thinking differently. Can it be that my future holds royalty? My son, Fleance will wear the crown in the image above in the future. I will set aside my doubts for now and take a calm walk through the night-filled forest with my beloved son, Fleance. Macbeth has invited us both to a grand feast, which I have promised to attend. My promise shall be kept and I will go to the feast.

      (Karthika Satheeswaran)
Image from:

I Shall Haunt...

Macbeth and I were good friends. The main reason of destroying our friendship is Macbeth’s ambition and his selfishness. Macbeth’s attitude changes towards me when the 3 witches gives us prophecies saying that in future my son’s will become the king. I don’t think about it and try to ignore everything the witches says. But after killing Duncan Macbeth thinks he should kill me so that there won’t be anything left which will prevent him to become the king of Scotland. As he remembers the witch’s prophecy, he plans to murder me. Also, he tries to kill my son but he escapes somehow. He send murderers to kill me and he succeeds. In that night my ghost appears in front of Macbeth. I was sitting on his chair. As long as he sees me he gets shocked and couldn’t believe in his own eyes. He had a fearful expression all over his face. But then he realizes, no one else can see my ghost except him. Lady Macbeth tells him to calm down. Also, tells everyone in the banquet that he has vision problem and they should ignore it. On the other hand Lady Macbeth again talks about his manliness. As my ghost disappears, Macbeth feels better and tries to be normal with the guests. After a while, my ghost reappears. This time he almost gets a heart attack. My ghost reminds him of what he did to me. It reminds him about our friendship. It reminds him of how he is totally into his ambition that he can not even recognize the right and wrong path, how he changes and thinks of himself only. It was clearly shown in his face that he knows what he did is wrong, he knows he can never be able to be happy in his life anymore because of what he has done to me and king Duncan for his ambition. Macbeth’s changes still astonishes me. His selfishness makes him so much blind that he even forgets about our friendship, his responsibilities towards King Duncan and to the people of Scotland.

- Rezwana Haque