Thursday, January 20, 2011


Macbeth and I have done plenty together; we fought at war and brought honor to our country. We were King Duncan’s noblemen, who he put faith on. I still remember the day we heard our prophecies from the wicked weird sisters, from that day it was never the same. Macbeth’s face was full of excitement rather than shock from the witches’ words. Now the prophecies have come true, and I don’t think it was a result of good, but bad. Did he do the murder?  King Duncan trusted Macbeth as much as he trusted his sons. Macbeth’s greed for power has it led him to kill King Duncan? What was said in the prophecy has become reality, so is it possible that my prophecy of becoming the father of future kings come true as well? My first thought when I heard my prophecy was that it all was a joke, but now I am thinking differently. Can it be that my future holds royalty? My son, Fleance will wear the crown in the image above in the future. I will set aside my doubts for now and take a calm walk through the night-filled forest with my beloved son, Fleance. Macbeth has invited us both to a grand feast, which I have promised to attend. My promise shall be kept and I will go to the feast.

      (Karthika Satheeswaran)
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