Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Three Weird Sisters

This is a picture of the witches I saw today.  They had beards and wore rags as their clothing. Are they women or men? Apparently they are women. Do you believe that they are women? Women are more civilized and would wear nicer clothing but these women are different.

Today Macbeth and I were visited by supernaturals. Three odd sisters who dressed in rags wanted to talk to us.  They looked like women but had beards, I was not sure if they were human or some other creature.  It turns out they were some kind of future telling beings. They told us that Macbeth was the thane of Cawdor, which was odd because the thane of Cawdor lives and Macbeth was already the thane of Glamis. They even shocked me, they told me that I was to be much happier then Macbeth but lower than him in status but the most surprising new of all was that my children would be kings even I was not one.  I was not sure what to believe. It was impossible for my children to be kings. Macbeth did not believe them either but before he could ask furthermore, the sisters disappeared.  Ross and Angus arrived shortly after they left. They had big news for Macbeth and it turned out that part of what the sisters said were true. Macbeth was to be the thane of Cawdor. The thane of Cawdor was executed for betraying us by going to the Norwegians side during the battle. First Macbeth kills the Norwegians like they were not even much competition which leads to our victory and now Macbeth is thane of Cawdor! These past few days seemed to be getting weirder and weirder by the minute. I wonder if my prophecy about my children might come true. We just have to wait and find out.

- Jamini V

1 comment:

  1. What is the source of this picture? What is the citation
