Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Shall Haunt...

Macbeth and I were good friends. The main reason of destroying our friendship is Macbeth’s ambition and his selfishness. Macbeth’s attitude changes towards me when the 3 witches gives us prophecies saying that in future my son’s will become the king. I don’t think about it and try to ignore everything the witches says. But after killing Duncan Macbeth thinks he should kill me so that there won’t be anything left which will prevent him to become the king of Scotland. As he remembers the witch’s prophecy, he plans to murder me. Also, he tries to kill my son but he escapes somehow. He send murderers to kill me and he succeeds. In that night my ghost appears in front of Macbeth. I was sitting on his chair. As long as he sees me he gets shocked and couldn’t believe in his own eyes. He had a fearful expression all over his face. But then he realizes, no one else can see my ghost except him. Lady Macbeth tells him to calm down. Also, tells everyone in the banquet that he has vision problem and they should ignore it. On the other hand Lady Macbeth again talks about his manliness. As my ghost disappears, Macbeth feels better and tries to be normal with the guests. After a while, my ghost reappears. This time he almost gets a heart attack. My ghost reminds him of what he did to me. It reminds him about our friendship. It reminds him of how he is totally into his ambition that he can not even recognize the right and wrong path, how he changes and thinks of himself only. It was clearly shown in his face that he knows what he did is wrong, he knows he can never be able to be happy in his life anymore because of what he has done to me and king Duncan for his ambition. Macbeth’s changes still astonishes me. His selfishness makes him so much blind that he even forgets about our friendship, his responsibilities towards King Duncan and to the people of Scotland.

- Rezwana Haque

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